Our first week in Punta Gruesa……

There has been a lot of time for snorkeling in the lagoon outside base, with lots of exciting incidental sightings including rays, barracudas, a baby turtle … and last but not least a juvenile lionfish! The lionfish was found by Kimberley and Nick, and was captured by our brave staff heroes Chris and Brian who then (humanely!) removed it from our ecosystem.
After five days of mingling with new faces and getting to know one another party night came and was a huge success. With a few sore heads in the morning most of us made our way to Mahahual for some ‘cheese and meat’ which has been greatly missed by a lot of us and hugely apreciated after a week of pasta, rice and a bit more rice.
With a storm rolling in on Saturday staff came up with the ingenious plan of taking us to Lagoon Azul to do our refresher dives – this involved more ‘cheese eating’ and hot showers for the few lucky ones that went, and a few wind blown faces left on camp who also encountered a sandstorm.
We woke on Sunday to a perfect sunrise and flat seas, and to the delight of everyone meant we could finally get to dive on base. Whilst writing this blog an exciting news flash came in and dolphins have been seen on the dive site this morning by the early birds. Not long until our trip to Tulum for the turtle festival on Friday which we are all excited about participating in.

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