
First dive of the day, so we were in the water by 8.20am and just as we were descending, a southern stingray of about 1m floated by just below us. We have seen quite a few stingrays in the lagoon by now, but the novelty definitely has not worn off yet. They are such graceful and beautiful creatures. Later in the dive Brian pointed out a Spotted Moray eel on the reef. I had never seen one swimming before so it was fantastic experience to watch. Then, right at the same moment, a pod of three bottlenose dolphins appeared and circled us for a few moments. It was an absolutely amazing experience - hearing their clicks and really seeing them in their own environment. We came back to the surface totally exhilarated. But the fun wasn't over yet.
On the way back to base in Punta Gruesa (Mahahual), we came upon the dolphins again. Tine, Nicole & Brian jumped in to snorkel with them - watching from the boat they looked close enough to touch, curious and playful, especially the small juvenile one. As we headed back to base, more dolphins joined them and escorted us back to base. Maybe five or six of them swimming under and in front of the boat, occasionally leaping out of the water. An amazing experience - hopefully just one of many more to come.

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