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Monday, September 7, 2009

Blue land Crab protection Campaign

The blue land crab (Cardisoma guanhumi ) is a regular inhabitant of the mangroves, dunes, low rainforests, rivers, etc. It plays an important role in these ecosystems as it, besides being part of the food chain, contributes to keep them clean since it likes eating organic disposals, specially vegetables.

They can measure up to 15 cm and weight up to 500 grams. Its color varies from white-gray to marine-blue and has a big pincer that works as defense weapon. During raining season the female crabs make their way from the mangroves or lagoons to the sea in order to lay between 300,000 to 700,000 eggs in it.

In Mexico, they can be found in the Golf of Mexico and in the Caribbean area. In fact they are common neighbors around Pez Maya base in Sian Ka’an Reserve and in Tulum. Amazingly they can also still be seen in Cancun! Despite its urbanization that has diminished its numbers considerably there are still some blue crabs that prevail in the lagoon.

This urban development is one of the biggest threats to its survival as roads and highways have been built between the sea and the mangroves/lagoons/rivers, hence when they are crossing they are often run over by cars that are not aware of this or don’t see them.

This is why Amigos de Sian Ka’an, our local partners, together with the government and other NGO’s launched an activity in which every evening from September to October volunteers from the area help this crabs to cross safely. It is a fun activity and a great way to increase environmental awareness. Some GVI staff members for sure will participate as volunteers sin one of the evenings! For more information you can send an email to:

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