The need of more fluent communication between scientists and businessmen was emphasized as they become a very strong synergism regarding sustainable development. In these terms 3 tables of discussion were opened: sustainable forestry, fishing and tourism. Although the three are very important, GVI could only participate in the two latter ones as those are the activities of most involvement. The conclusions of each one are as follows:
Sustainable Fishing Table:
Threats: the commercialization of illegal fishing products, tourism, not following sustainable fishing practices and lack of funds for education in the fishing sector to promote development in business and to assure state intervention when needed.
Some of the main challenges were: to erradicate corruption and apply fishing laws, harsher the punishment to people who break the law by fishing.
Strengths: fishing co-ops are owners of all their equipment including boats, nets, lines, rods. Fishing permits are necessary in certain times of the year and certain species, and the willingness to have protected areas and protected species.
Sustainable Tourism Table:
Threats: land ownership, scarce training and culture towards sustainable tourism, permissible laws and burocracy, corruption, inefficient programs, paternalism, global warming.
As a following from this synergy carried out between the three sectors, in this Forum, a working net or Agenda was proposed to be created. We are looking forward to having a follow-up meeting in the near future.

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