2008 Marine Turtle Season Opening
Last Friday, 9th of May, the Turtle Conservation Comitee presided over the official opening for the 2008 Turtle Conservation Season. Quintana Roo is one of the most important states in
Results from the databases of all the organizations involved in the Comitee, including Amigos de Sian K'an and GVI, were also presented. It showed a positive tendency for the Green turtle nestings and releases. However, loggerhead numbers were shown to be decreasing. This data is interesting as a similar trend has been seen in the
Finally, a methodology called “Analyis of Pressures and Threats” was presented by an invited Mexican NGO called Pronatura. This method is intended to be followed by all the organizations in order to determine the most threatened areas in Quintana Roo and identify and rank its causes as to put in place more accurate strategies for Sea Turtle Conservation in the State.
Pez Maya and Mahahual Expedition Members will, like previous years, continue gathering data from in-water sightings and nesting turtles from our expedition sites. EMs from Tulum and the Marine Expeditions will also have the opportunity to take part in the satellite camp of Xcacel, where our partner organizations Flora, Fauna y Cultura de Mexico have one of the most important turtle conservation camps, and where EMs stay for 2-3 days learning everything there is to know about turtles, their nests and eggs...and help release plenty of turtles to the big ocean!

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