GVI invited to open University of Guadalajara conference

Danny was invited to participate in the "3as Jornadas de Actualizacion Turismo Alternativo" (3rd Annual conference on Alternative Tourism). The programme included a wide range of presentations, workshops and debates, such as "Leadership in Sustainable Tourism ventures," "Department of Tourism, Goverment of Jalisco: alternative tourism programmes and future developments". Within this frame, Danny had the honor to open the conference with the presentation "GVI in Mexico: a new alternative tourism strategy in Quintana Roo", in the presence of the the University Dean and other distinguished guests.
Students and professors had many questions, suggestions and praises for our objectives, programmes and results. The National Scholarship Programme (NSP) was also explained and was an instant hit with current students - we are sure we won't have any problems filling our NSP spots for many years to come!
The talked was very well received and was a perfect start to this interesting conference.
The trip to Jalisco was top up with the creation of another Teacher in the Community position in the community of Autal de Navarro, state of Jalisco, and home town of the famous guitarist Carlos Santana. The description and conditions of this post can be found at the Careers Abroad website (www.careersabroad.co.uk).
The University of Guadalajara invited GVI to participate in future conferences and workshops, as well as develop other avenues of collaboration that will benefit the practical and theoritical formation of the Alternative Tourism students.
GVI, and particularly Danny, thanks the organizers of the conference for their hospitality during our visit.

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