Perhaps some of you have heard or know the
Eco-Index from Rainforest Alliance which was created to
provide the conservation community with a quickly and easily accessible vehicle to share project data and reports, lessons learned, and best practices in a precise and consistent format. 
Every month they publish a newsletter which contains ongoing projects happening in the American Continent. This month we are happy to find in it the
Fish Agregation project that Cobi together with
Amigos de Sian Ka'an, The Nature Conservancy, United Nations Development Program and
GVI are promoting in Quintana Roo. The project intends to:
- Locate grouper and porgy reproduction aggregation sites in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve.
- Monitor the number and size of the individual aggregates to evaluate the size of the aggregations over time.
- Establish a community surveillance system to prevent fishing during the periods of reproductive aggregation of these species.
GVI through
Pez maya & Regional office
staff participated in the first stage of the project by giving logistic support and the Open Water & EFR (Emergency first response) courses to the fishermen and Rangers that are part of the project. We keep track of their advance and are looking forward to see the outcome of the project when it is finished!

Fish aggregations in Eco-Index
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