Some Historical Data; Mexican Revolution Day
The 98th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution was celebrated yesterday 20th of November. On this date on the year 1910 the war to overthrow the dictator Porfirio Diaz started. This new social movement motivated revolutionaries to fight for more humanitarian, equal and respectful conditions for the workers from the field as at the time only very few people named “hacendados” were the owners of huge extensions of land and gathered all the economic richness of the country having their workers in very poor living conditions. The war lasted 10 years and extended all over the country from the North to the South developing outstanding leaders such as Francisco “Pancho” Villa and Emiliano Zapata.
Also, it was during this movement that the Mexican Constitution, that still rules the country, was created and
Nowadays, Revolution Day in Mexico is commemorated in every Municipality, such as Playa del Carmen, Mahahual and Tulum with a Civic Ceremony and a Parade where schools and public institutions such as the police, militaries, firefighters, paramedics, unions, etc march throughout the streets.

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